Monday, 7 April 2008

About SEO

A few weeks ago I stumbled a Web site that advertised website for free transport. As you may have guessed, my first thought was safe and what is the hook. As I begin to read the article, there were several things to my attention. One of the first things that my attention was what I read about AdWords. The author of the article from this blatant statement "people are the Google for money, no, a lot of money to run away with Adword Accounts." He was, in fact, we call on Google give all our cash, while we earn a pittance for an income. And I ask you, what is wrong with this picture?.....

What does this statement so much authority was not so much by what I heard, over the years than what a colleague marketer of a program where "some guy" tells all, I wrote four days before reading this articlet of free movement. And this man was on a limited income. This is what he says: "Larry, I have tried my marketing / advertising in the context of the use of Google AdWords (pay-per-click) on the market, as my website statement in the program.
Google AdWords is not so easy, or somewhere in the vicinity, such as cost effectively as K's system will lead you to believe ... If you can use it right, it can work for you ... However, it takes a lot of trial and error to the right combination of descriptors and cost per click "to make it work without costing a small fortune, as I found out. "

You get that not you? http// cost a small fortune ." This is the very thing I read about it in this article, and I'm hearing hello! loud and clear. It is not like I have not heard it all before, but somehow it was like a light bulb goes at Mach speed and floods my brian with the news.

So one must ask what is the real skinny here? Can you really adwords without it costing a small fortune as some say? Then, what about free traffic? Who ever free something, I really free?

After some experience with SEO, is a webmaster and network administrator a few years back my first thought was probably only about SEO. I was wrong. In fact, I was almost entirely wrong, what I thought, this man tried to sell me. I hate the approval I am wrong, as most of us, but I was dead wrong. Not only was I wrong, I had many things to think after buying and reading the e-book this guy was selling.

It was something else said that he and my attention was this: "After this to bottom right, I forgot my account." Then he dared me to do a search in Google, where one of its sides is the number 1 and click on this link once daring and double me to do it a thousand times, why? It was not cost him a penny picking cotton. That's right, not a red cent. You know what? Not only was he right, he is always free movement of Google and other search engines. The best part is, he is more than happy to show us how he does it. I do not know about you, but I'd rather my traffic for free! And guess what the good news? You can use this information for a lot less than what a Google AdWords campaign costs and a lot less than a night on the town would cost you.

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